RNA localization
in homeostasis and disease

Targeting of RNA transcripts to diverse subcellular localizations has been observed in many different organisms and was identified as a general regulatory mechanism that controls gene expression on a transcriptome-wide scale.

It has important functions in development and tissue homeostasis and attracts increasing interest for its role in cancer progression and metastasis. Yet, the mechanisms and RNA sequence elements that target most transcripts to specific subcellular localizations remain obscure. Most likely because cis-acting elements greatly vary in length and can act synergistically, it has been challenging to identify them based on primary sequence alone.

We employ single-molecule imaging techniques in combination with 3D organoid model systems to unravel the molecular mechanisms that target individual RNA transcripts to diverse subcellular localizations, cell types and tissues.


March 24, 2024

First SNSF project Grant

We are proud to annouce that we were awarded an SNSF project grant called “A single-molecule imaging approach to investigate the underlying principles that modulate IRE1 activity and dynamically regulate the unfolded protein response” The lab will be growing!

November 15, 2024

A single partycle, Vol.II

1st year anniversary!

Come and celebrate with us and our colleagues at the Department of Molecular Life Sciences at UZH:

Cocktails, a wheel of fortune and newly invented colocalization game – from 5pm in Y55-L12